Tips for Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean
July 28, 2021

Proper dental care involves more than just brushing and flossing. Did you know you have to keep your toothbrush clean too? You use it every day to scrub plaque and bacteria off your teeth and tongue, which means it now carries all those germs and particles. If you don’t clean it properly, it can lose its cleaning ability and fail to keep your mouth healthy. Here are a few ways you can disinfect your toothbrush to ensure it’s clean and safe to use every time!
(more…)Should I See an Emergency Dentist for Facial Swelling?
July 13, 2021

After rolling out of bed one morning, you instantly realize something feels off about your face. You run to the bathroom mirror and – oh no. Your face is swollen! Do you know what to do in this situation? Most people may start heading to the emergency room in hopes of seeking medical attention from nurses and doctors. However, it may surprise you to learn that the best course of action is to see your dentist! Here’s why you should see an emergency dentist for facial swelling and what to expect during your visit.