How Can You Protect Your Teeth While Enjoying the Holidays?
October 24, 2021

There is so much going on during the holidays – seeing relatives for the first time in a while, eating great food when everyone chips in with a dish they made, watching the big game on TV – it can easily distract you from taking care of your teeth.
Fortunately, there are some not-too-difficult things you can do to make it to the New Year with your oral health intact. Check out these tips for how to have a good time enjoying holiday foods while making smart choices for your teeth along the way.
(more…)How Do I Keep My Child’s Teeth Healthy During Flu Season?
October 4, 2021

It’s a full-time job just to keep your child from getting sick as the temperatures drop this time of year. Even so, there are also things you can do to keep their teeth healthy through those winter months.
The average child will get 6-8 colds per year with most of them coming during the winter. After all, children are more prone to disease, as they constantly touch everything and chew on more than they should.
Imagine needing to take them to the dentist for a cavity while they were under the weather. No adult wants to endure that, either. Keep reading for some tips on kids’ oral care during cold-and-flu season.