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How Long Will My Dental Bridge Last?

July 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 2:51 pm
woman with a dental bridge brushing her teeth

When you’re looking to replace a missing tooth, chances are you’d like the end result to be as similar to your original tooth as possible. With a dental bridge, you can bring back one, two, or even three consecutive missing teeth with a strikingly lifelike solution. However, you might be wondering how long you can expect your dental bridge to last. Read on as we explore dental bridge lifespan and some advice on helping your new smile stand the test of time!

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

There is no fixed answer to the question of how long dental bridges last, mainly because it varies based on a number of factors, such as a person’s diet, oral care routine, and general lifestyle. However, many dental professionals have stated that, on average, a bridge can last anywhere from five to ten years. By taking excellent care of a bridge, it may be able to last well over a decade!

Why Might a Dental Bridge Fail?

While a dental bridge typically reaches the end of its lifespan from natural wear and tear, other factors can cause it to fail before then. The most common of these factors is poor oral hygiene. When plaque accumulates under or around the bridge, it weakens the underlying teeth to the point where they can’t support the restoration anymore. Injury or harm impact can also damage a bridge and result in failure.

To prevent your bridge from failing before its time, it’s important to practice the right preventive care.

Tips for Making Your Dental Bridge Last

Just like with natural teeth, it’s always best to take a proactive approach to caring for your dental bridge. This should be relatively easy as long as you’re diligent about your:

  • Diet – Overindulging in foods that are excessively sticky or hard could loosen or damage your bridge, so try to limit items like gummies, taffy, and hard breads. Also, eat sugary and starchy foods in moderation; they can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, both of which could lead to dental bridge failure.
  • Oral hygiene – While you can brush your bridge like normal teeth, ordinary flossing won’t work. Instead, you’ll need to use a floss threader, an interdental brush, or a water flosser to clean the space between your gums and your bridge. Feel free to try out several options and learn which one works best for you.
  • Routine dental visits – No matter how many natural teeth you have left, you should still see your dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings. Problems with your bridge, remaining teeth, and gums could be developing without your knowledge, and your dentist can often detect them before they cause serious harm. For example, they might be able to spot and treat a tooth infection before it makes your bridge fail.

In the end, the lifespan of your dental bridge will depend on how well you care for it. Practice the right steps and you can enjoy your replacement teeth for many years to come!

About the Practice

Our amazing team of dentists at Peery & Woolwine Family Dentistry consists of dynamic father-son duo Dr. James Peery Jr. and Dr. James Peery III, as well as Dr. Samuel Woolwine. We offer a variety of dental services in Lynchburg, VA for patients of all ages, including dental bridges made of porcelain and other lifelike materials that are built to last. For personalized tips on maintaining your dental bridge, visit our website or call (434) 847-5331.

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