Chipped a Tooth? Here’s What to Do Next
February 7, 2021

Did you know that tooth enamel is the strongest material in the human body? Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Whether it’s from a accident while playing sports, biting down on a popcorn kernel, or chewing on a pen cap, there are plenty of ways you may accidentally chip a tooth. If you find yourself in this scary situation, it’s important to know what to do next so you can act quickly and calmly. Read on as your Lynchburg emergency dentist explains step-by-step what you should do if you chip a tooth.
Step 1: Call Your Dentist
Your first step after chipping a tooth or experiencing any type of dental emergency should be to call your dentist. They’ll assess your situation over the phone and schedule your appointment accordingly. Sometimes, you’ll be able to manage your situation until the next available appointment. Other times however, you may need to come in right away for emergency treatment. Either way, your dentist will give you personalized first-aid advice for handling your chipped tooth until you can reach their office.
Step 2: Rinse Your Mouth Out
Next, you should rinse your mouth out with warm water. This will clean away blood, dirt, bacteria, and any other debris from around your chipped tooth. If any pieces of your chipped tooth are still in your mouth, this will help clean them out before you accidentally swallow or bite down on them. If you can collect any large pieces of your tooth, place them in a clean container and bring them to your appointment.
Step 3: Stop Any Bleeding
Sometimes, the trauma that chipped your tooth will also cause bleeding in your mouth. Once you’ve rinsed your mouth out, apply steady, constant pressure to the area with a clean piece of gauze, a washcloth, or some paper towels. If your bleeding is severe or if it hasn’t stopped after 10-15 minutes, you should go directly to your local ER for assistance.
Step 4: Manage Pain & Reduce Swelling
After you’ve gotten any bleeding to stop, you can apply a cold compress or ice pack to your mouth for 10 minutes at a time. Not only will this numb any discomfort you may be feeling, but it will help bring down swelling as well. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed, but avoid products with aspirin if you were bleeding.
Step 5: Protect Your Tooth
If you have a same-day emergency appointment, refrain from eating or drinking(anything besides water until you’ve been treated. If your appointment is in a few days, don’t eat any hard or crunchy foods and only chew on the un-injured side of your mouth. To minimize sensitivity, protect your tooth from bacteria, and conceal any sharp edges of your broken tooth, you can place sugarless gum or dental wax over the chipped area.
Step 6: See Your Dentist As Soon As Possible
Even if you’re not in pain or the damage is minimal, it’s important to see your dentist right away after chipping a tooth. Leaving it untreated could put you at risk of a serious dental infection. If the chip is small, your dentist may be able to quickly fill it in with dental bonding or recement the broken pieces of your tooth back into place. For highly visibly portions of your mouth, such as a chip on the front teeth, you may consider porcelain veneers for the most seamless results. However, if the damage is severe, your dentist may recommend placing a dental crown to restore its function and appearance.
Hopefully, you’ll never experience a chipped tooth. If you do, keep these simple but important steps in mind to protect your smile.
About the Practice
The collaborative team of Peery & Woolwine Family Dentistry have been serving the smiles of Lynchburg since 1980. They’ve outfitted their office with state-of-the-art equipment to provide fast, precise, and comfortable treatments when you need it most, such as in a dental emergency. With the latest technology, an experienced team, and nitrous oxide sedation available, they strive to get you out of pain and back to enjoying your healthy smile as quickly as possible. To learn more, they can be contacted via their website or at (434) 847-5331.
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