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Peery & Woolwine Family Dentistry Blog

4 Oral Hygiene Practices You Should Never Skip

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — peeryfamily @ 7:18 pm

Woman’s tongue showing oral hygiene best practicesYou know you’re supposed to brush and floss your teeth daily to maintain a healthy smile, but they aren’t the only oral hygiene methods you should be using. Although you may not even be aware of them, they are crucial to preventing many common dental issues, like bad breath and tooth decay. Don’t put your smile at risk. Here are 4 additional oral hygiene best practices to commit to every day.


The Dangers of Getting Discount Dental Implants

April 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 2:24 am

Are you thinking about replacing your missing teeth? Dental implants are one of the most advanced and efficient options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. There are so many benefits, including the fact that they prevent jawbone deterioration, are long lasting, and don’t require any eating restrictions once they completely heal. However, if you opt for cheap dental implants, you could be in for some trouble. Continue reading to learn about the dangers of getting dental implants for cheap.


How to Take Care of Your Smile After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 1:58 am
Girl after wisdom tooth extraction

Each year, about 5 million people in the United States have their wisdom teeth removed. This is because such a large percentage of people don’t have enough room in their mouth for them to erupt properly without causing issues in the mouth. No one enjoys having their teeth extracted, but you will have a much easier time if you follow your dentist’s instructions and an excellent aftercare regimen. Continue reading for some tips to aid you after wisdom tooth removal.


5 Trends That Are Harmful for Your Smile

March 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 11:00 pm
Apple cider vinegar

There are all sorts of new fads that circulate online all of the time. However, there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, so you need to do your own research as well. It can be difficult to tell the difference between a helpful hack and doing something that could be harming your body or your smile. You certainly don’t want to try out a popular new trend only to discover that you have been damaging your smile. Here are a few fads that you should be wary of so that you don’t end up with a dental emergency on your hands.


Why Do Your Teeth Hurt When You Exercise?

March 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 9:47 pm
Women running

Part of a healthy lifestyle involves staying active. Whether you like to go hiking on the weekends, or you prefer to head to the gym before you go to work in the morning, your body is gaining a lot from the activities that you take part in. However, one part of your body that could be looking at trouble is your mouth. While the rest of your body is benefiting, your oral health could be declining. Continue reading to learn the reason behind tooth pain during exercise and what you can do to protect your smile.


A Day In the Life of a Dental Hygienist

February 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 11:21 pm
Dental hygienist in mask smiling before appointment

When you think of people who help you take care of your smile, you probably think of your dentist. However, they’re not the only ones who care for your oral health during your dental appointments—your dental hygienist does too! The dental hygienist is the person you meet with before and after you see your dentist. While you may associate them only with cleanings and looking for cavities, dental hygienists do a whole lot more! Read on to learn more about what a day in the life of one of these talented professionals looks like.


Chipped a Tooth? Here’s What to Do Next

February 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 9:48 pm
Woman with chipped tooth needs to visit Lynchburg emergency dentist

Did you know that tooth enamel is the strongest material in the human body? Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Whether it’s from a accident while playing sports, biting down on a popcorn kernel, or chewing on a pen cap, there are plenty of ways you may accidentally chip a tooth. If you find yourself in this scary situation, it’s important to know what to do next so you can act quickly and calmly. Read on as your Lynchburg emergency dentist explains step-by-step what you should do if you chip a tooth.


5 Dental Myths – Debunked!

January 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 12:57 am
Woman questioning dental myths

You try to keep up with a good oral hygiene routine so that you can keep your smile in excellent shape. However, this is quite difficult to do when you hear so much different information floating around the internet. How do you know what to believe and what you should brush aside? A dentist is here to help. Continue reading to learn about some different dental myths so you know the difference between fact and fiction.


5 Easy Ways to Prevent a Dental Emergency

January 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 4:00 pm
man flossing to prevent a dental emergency

Many of us take a healthy mouth for granted until something starts hurting. We tend to think that dental emergencies will never happen to us, but the truth is that one out of every six Americans will be faced with one this year. By their very nature, these situations, such as a severe toothache or a broken tooth, are unpredictable. There are, however, certain precautions you can take to minimize your risk of having a dental emergency. Here are five of them.


How to Know if You’re Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

December 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — peeryfamily @ 6:35 pm
man brushing teeth too hard in lynchburg

Every time you visit your dentist, you probably have a conversation about how important it is to continue flossing and brushing your teeth on a regular basis, but it’s just as crucial that you do it the right way. According to a study conducted by the Wall Street Journal, up to 20% of people in the world have incurred gum or teeth damage due to excessive brushing. Most of the time, this practice begins in early childhood when someone is not taught proper technique. It then becomes a habit into adulthood, and if not corrected, it can cause oral damage. Keep reading to learn how to know if you’re brushing your teeth too hard.

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